Friday 15 October 2021

NT Sutton Hoo ... Largely Late Butterflies


We had a brief spin around the wooded path that leads to a view of the river Deben at NT Sutton Hoo last weekend. There were spells of warm sunshine, and insects were making their presence felt in the less shady areas. I rather like these carvings that appear at intermittent points along the track. The path is covered in needles and the occasional chestnut case. 

Sadly, I expect it will be some months before we find four species of butterfly in so small a patch again. And on the subject of lepidoptera, I was saddened, if not surprised on account of the cold spring, to find a very disappointing result from the 2021 Butterfly Conservation Big Butterfly Count (see here, too). The new Saving Butterflies and Moths strategic plan for 2021 to 2026 looks an ambitious one.

Common Darter dragonfly

Small Copper, 1st species of butterfly

Comma, 2nd species

Another Small Copper

Red Admiral, 3rd species of butterfly

Speckled Wood, 4th species

Ichneumonid - or possibly Amblyteles Armatorius?

I am assuming that the insect in the next two photographs is a species of Robberfly. It seems to be eating a beetle with caramel-coloured elytra. 

On a bench

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