Wednesday 3 March 2021

Great Spotted Woodpecker (and Chaffinch)

We were drinking mugs of coffee this morning when this magnificent Great Spotted Woodpecker alighted on one of our coconut feeders. We see these birds occasionally, but usually through binoculars when they are high up in one of the trees on the edge of the local nature reserve. My thanks to David, who grabbed a camera and took the first four photographs.

The photo below shows the red nape of the male Woodpecker's neck, and the last photo is a record shot of our first 2021 Chaffinch, a species we seldom see in the garden.


I haven't checked my visitor stats for a long time, so thought I would post up the current chart. It's interesting how visitors from the UK and visitors from the US are pretty evenly matched. Thank you all for visiting my virtual corner of Suffolk, UK!


  1. What great photos of the great spotted woodpecker Caroline! Such a magnificent bird! We're hoping a pair will nest in one of our local cemeteries again this year

  2. Lovely photographs, I enjoyed them.

    All the best Jan

  3. What wonderful photos of the woodpecker, well done.
    All good wishes ~ Mike.
