Monday 1 March 2021

Female Blackcap, Latest Species at the New Feeder

David's photo

David's photo

David's photo

I have been keeping a close eye on our new upright feeder to see which species are making the most of the food (fatballs and seeds) we are offering. We were thrilled today to find a female Blackcap. We both had our cameras at the ready, and took the photos you see behind our double-glazing. I see from my record that we had a Blackcap sighting in the garden in February 2020, so perhaps a pattern is beginning to form. 

The list so far looks like this:

  1. Long-tailed tit
  2. Blue tit
  3. Robin
  4. Great tit
  5. Blackbird
  6. Wood pigeon
  7. Starling
  8. Blackcap 
  9. Jay (seen and added 21 March 2021)

Happy St David's Day!


  1. Happy St David's Day :)

    Great news on the Blackcap and lovely photos. We haven't seen one here for a few years now.

  2. great views of the blackcap, I find them elusive birds! I far more often hear their beautiful song than see them

  3. Such great photographs.
    Wishing you a happy month of March.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan
