Wednesday 8 July 2020

Latest Lepidopteran Garden Sightings

We had a short burst of sunshine yesterday morning, and were delighted to find our first Gatekeeper of the year in the garden.

We also noticed this moth, which I'm guessing is a Silver Y on account of the 'Y' markings, though it seemed an unusual pose for one of these insects. It was resting in dappled shade under the Silver Birch, and was tricky to photograph. 

A new flower, the mauve one below, has opened in the place where we planted the wildflower seeds given to us by Butterfly Conservation (Suffolk branch). I'm assuming this IS Corncockle rather than the yellow one, which I now think is Corn Marigold. Please correct me if I still haven't got these names sorted! I hope the weather will improve so that insects are attracted to these latest blooms.


  1. Lovely to see the Gatekeeper - I haven't seen one yet. I think the moth must be silver y. The only other species possible I think are plain golden y or beautiful golden y. I agree with your flower id :)

  2. A lovely post and photos, always a pleasure to read your posts.

  3. I was impressed with the Gatekeeper. Its been a terrible year for garden butterflies in Lincolnshire but I'm not complaining, we live near Chambers Woods - one of the best in the country and we've seen everything! toodles, Marky.
