Saturday 18 July 2020

Big Butterfly Count (and a new homepatch species)

I had a tip-off that these beautiful butterflies were on the wing in our area, but it came as a surprise when we found one in our garden yesterday. I have not seen many Brown Argus butterflies in my life, and the few I have spotted have all been in Cambridgeshire at NT Wicken Fen. We have only knowingly had one Common Blue, a male, in our garden so far this year, but I wondered at first if the new sighting could be a female. I checked this website and came to the conclusion that this was unlikely on account of the marked dark spot on the wing and the markings on the outer hindwing, but since four kind folk have now agreed with my Brown Argus ID, I think this is probably what it is (but do feel free to say otherwise - with explanation, please!). 

Yesterday marked the start of the Big Butterfly Count, organised by Butterfly Conservation. This citizen-science survey made the national BBC News here in England so I hope there will be a good response, particularly since many species are in decline. David and I did two fifteen minute counts this afternoon on a quiet lane bordered by fields and hedges, now that my 'government shielding' advice allows for time beyond the garden in the company of another adult.  

Meanwhile, I continue to count butterflies in the garden for the Garden Butterfly Survey

Oh, and on another note entirely, the BATS were back in the garden last night. It is only the second time we have seen them this year. I saw two, both too large for Pipistrelles, and David saw more at the front of the house. I wonder what they are...


  1. What a lovely butterfly that is.
    Good luck with the butterfly count.

    All the best Jan

  2. Just found your blog via Imperfect and Tense. Glad I did. Lovely photos. I’ll be back. B

  3. Wonderful news about the Brown Argus butterfly - they are hard to id but that little dark "tick" seems a good way :) We only get Holly Blue in the garden here. I did a Big Butterfly Count in the garden too yesterday. The hot sunny weather has arrived at the right time :) I haven't seen a bat here this year.
