Monday 18 June 2018

Insects in the Grounds of Helmingham Hall

I seem to have been chasing my tail a bit recently, so here are a few pretty pictures of Helmingham Hall and the insects in the grounds. You may have seen the hall on the Antiques Roadshow recently or perhaps on a previous Who do you think you are? programme. I tried to keep a casual eye open for bees on flower heads as we strolled around, particularly in the walled garden. But we saw some other insects, too ...

I think the creature above is a Variable Damselfly and the one below is an immature Large Red.

The moat makes an ideal environment for odonata.

Inside the walled garden we smiled at the topiary rabbits ...

and a frog prince!

It was good to see a few Meadow Browns, my first of the season.

I'm wondering if these were leaf or Flea Beeetles of some variety, possibly Crepidodera aurata

We noticed a couple of Broad-bodied Chasers on the vertical posts.

The next few photos show bees I noticed on the flower heads ...

This bee favoured a beautiful Delphinium.

You can see David here by the knot garden, with this fragrant patch of lavender and old-fashioned roses just in front of him. Despite the grey weather, the scent was one of pure summer!


  1. Hello, beautiful images. I like the cute topiary. Happy Monday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

  2. What a beautiful house and garden. I do like the topiary animals and so lovely to see all the insects appearing. I haven't seen a Meadow Brown yet this year.

  3. The leaf beetles on the mallow are one of the Podagrica species. Nice selection of photos.

  4. Thank you all for your kind comments!

  5. Such lovely photographs.
    I can understand why that bee favoured a beautiful Delphinium, it's such a gorgeous colour!

    All the best Jan
