Wednesday 20 June 2018

Home Patch - Ladybird, Moth Larva and ?Bee

For some days now I have been keeping an eye on these Blackfly in the hope that they might encourage Ladybirds into the garden. And they did, two to be precise ... and, alas, both Harlequins. The photo immediately above and below are of the same Ladybird as the second one was under a leaf and hard to reach. 

There is a bee of some sort in residence in our insect hotels. It hovers (come to think of it, do bees hover?) in the air when I walk past, but I have yet to get a good look. 

I keep checking for butterflies in the garden: there have been a couple of sprightly blue ones on the wing, too fast for identification purposes; but other than those, butterflies have been noticeable by their absence. There was an early 'spring flurry' of these insects weeks ago when I saw more Brimstones in an afternoon than probably in the rest of my whole life; but what is happening now? I wonder if you saw this article...

On a more positive lepidopteran note, we found a Mullein moth larva on some Buddleia. This is a first for our garden. Of course, the caterpillar would decide to choose the delicate leaves of a rather delicate newly-planted (butterfly-friendly) Buddleia, ignoring the mass of green growth on the established white Buddleia!


  1. Well done on the mullein caterpillar even if it is eating your new buddleia!

    We get leaf cutter bees and mason bees in our bug "hotels". Leaf cutter bees are easy to spot when they start to take bits of leaf in :) We also get a parasitic bee that hovers too waiting to leap in and lay its own eggs.

  2. Hello, love the ladybird. Pretty photos. Enjoy your day!

  3. There is something nice about the colourful ladybirds …

    All the best Jan

  4. The Harlequin is so pretty despite being a menace.....

    Lovely little insect houses too,

    I've seen in general very few butterflies this year,

  5. Aren't those bug hotels pretty :)

    All the best Jan
