Saturday 20 January 2018

Suffolk Flora Preservation Trust Poetry Competition Event

I am just back from the Suffolk Flora Preservation Trust Poetry Competition (SFPT). Many congratulations to Tim Gardiner for winning the £50 adult prize in the SFPT Poetry Competition on the theme of the aquatic life in the Fromus Valley Nature Reserve. Lord Cranbrook hosted the event at Kelsale Village Hall this afternoon.

Tim's poem, along with three other commended entries including my own (about the Wandering Snail, Lymnaea peregra aka Radix peregra), will feature in the Suffolk Flora Preservation Trust's 2018 Adult Education volume on the reserves at Simpson's Fromus Valley and Orchid Glade. The judges were Kaaren Whitney, Poet-in-Residence for the reserves, and Suffolk Poetry Society Chair, Florence Cox. Sue Wallace-Shaddad and Sue Mobbs also read their poems to the enthusiastic audience. It was a real pleasure, too, to hear the winning and commended poems written by those who had entered the young people's section of the competition. 


  1. Poetry is a form of writing I have never been able to do, so congratulations

  2. What a lovely picture of you - and a big congratulations. (Would love to read the poem, where do I find the book please?)

  3. Congratulations from me too.

    All the best Jan

  4. Thank you so much, everyone for your kind comments! And, Jennifer, I am holding this year's new book (just out) in the photo: our poems will be in the 2019 volume, not published yet...

  5. I think that poetry, sadly, has become a bit of a forgotten literary style in recent years, and more's the pity, so it's encouraging to see this level of interest.
