Saturday 27 January 2018

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2018 - And my top bird is...

I believe for the first time, the Goldfinch came out top in my 2018 Big Garden Birdwatch survey. As you will guess, the photo above was not taken today (too much sun, too many sorrel seeds)... but I think you will agree that it is a more colourful picture than this morning's record shot, taken in dull grey weather from behind glass, which I have posted below.

The species chart records what I actually saw during the hour...

There were more sightings of these species, but the records requested are for the highest number seen at one time.

Sadly a number of previous Bird Count avian visitors were missing, including the House Sparrow, Dunnock, Robin (who is often around), Greater-spotted Woodpecker and Green Woodpecker. I suspect the weather plays a part, but it would be interesting to know what the other key factors are. We had Greenfinches in the garden when we moved in some five+ years ago, but these have not been seen for a long time. The Song Thrush was here in the run-up to Christmas and the Wren. A score of two for Wood Pigeons is very low for us.

We are also invited to record animal sightings of the last twelve months. We have seen one Hedgehog some months ago (and back in the summer, quite a few hedgehog calling cards...)

Grey Squirrels come to the coconut feeder most days... but there were none during the hour of the count.

If you would like to take part in the count, there is still time as it continues until 29 January 2018. The link is here. Happy watching... and recording!


  1. Great stuff. I would have very much enjoyed doing the count with you!

  2. It is always so interesting to read about other people's counts. I had trouble with photos too - our garden faces south and the sun was out for at least the first half hour of my count! Grey Squirrels here failed to put in an appearance along with several bird species that are normally regulars but that always seems to happen!

    We don't get Greenfinches here either these days and yet they used to be daily visitors.

  3. Your Goldfinch took my breath away. So many colors. Of course, I enjoyed all your reporting, as always.


  4. Your Goldfinch took my breath away. Thanks for your careful and passionate reporting, as always.

  5. Thank you so much, David, Simon, RR and Kay, for your kind comments. And, RR, at least the mammals can have been spotted in the last ?12 months ... unlike the birds who have to show up not only on the day, but during the hour, as you know!

  6. Great work, and a lovely collection of photos.

  7. Great work, and lovely collection of photos.

  8. Lovely to see what birds you have coming into your garden, the top photo of the Goldfinch is lovely.
    Amanda xx

  9. Thank you, too, Amanda and Marc, for more kind comments...
