Monday 23 October 2017

Little Owl

I clicked the shutter for a quick record shot and was about to take another photograph with my zoom lens when I heard voices behind me and noticed a family with a football heading down the road in my direction. Naturally I was not the only one who was disturbed...

You can imagine, then, how pleased I was when I uploaded my pictures later that evening to discover that I had at least taken a photo of half an owl!

Spotting this creature made me realise how little knowledge I have about the species. I know that the Little Owl (otherwise known as Athene noctua) is not a bird native to the UK and that there has been a marked decline in numbers, but I have so much more to learn. This site, UK Little Owl Project, is a brilliant starting point.


  1. So pleased that you did manage to get this photograph.
    Many thanks for the links.

    All the best Jan

  2. What a stunning image. I've never actually seen a Little Owl in the wild, so I'm rather envious of your sighting - let alone the picture!

  3. Great find, hope you get to see it again and if you are lucky some other owls too. Beautiful birds.
    Amanda xx

  4. Hello, great find. Love the cute little owl. Happy Tuesday, enjoy your day!

  5. Such a lovely photo! I've never seen a little owl!
