Saturday 14 October 2017

Annual Visit to Gondwanaland... at Marks Hall, Essex

This Gondwanaland sign always brings a wry smile to my face...
There were plenty of ladybirds about on Saturday, including this one who was tucked up in advance of over-wintering.

The shepeherd's hut is in a sorry state. We thought a colony of Hornets had moved in, but did not go too close to investigate!

Autumn colour... on a rather grey October afternoon.

Lots of ?duckweed: presumably not such a good feature...

A few Fox-and-Cubs strands added a burst of autumn colour to the bank of the stream...

... and a couple of peacocks added a bright burst of their own.

There were several ladybirds, largely Harlequin varieties, around the memorial site...

Most of the Fly agaric toadstools had been nibbled by wildlife.   N.B. It is *POISONOUS* for humans.

Autumn colour, the reason for our visit...

... and more seasonal splashes.

The croc by the stream reminded me of its more colourful 'rock' cousin on Great Cumbrae in Scotland - here.

Having walked past this hut before in the woods, it suddenly occurred to me yesterday that it is an air-raid shelter.

I'm more of a spring bunny than an autumn crocus, but I do love the bright colours of the season.

A dash of red (there were holly berries, too)

Speaking of Autumn crocus...
No spring bunnies here, but it seemed strange to see primroses in mid-October. We always looked for early daffodils in South Wales in late November.


  1. I see mainly harlequins now, especially as the summer wears on. 7 spots only really see those in SPring. Darn invaders

  2. Your collection of shots are all so beautiful. Such great colors that you have captured. The hut and air raid shelter are so good to see. Your colors are so bright and vivid.

  3. Lovely photos and wonderful to see so many autumnal signs and colours :) Those primroses are very early - have seen them in December in our garden but that is the earliest.

  4. Lovely post and photos, I like both seasons Spring and Autumn, nice and fresh but not to cold.

    Just wondering if you have tried again lately to get onto my blog. Have changed the theme again and wondered if you can see it now?
    Amanda xx

  5. Such lovely photographs you've shared here, the Autumn colours are wonderful.
    I always enjoy seeing peacocks and their bright colours.

    All the best Jan

  6. lovely photos of the wonderful autumn colours. I love the ladybird all tucked away ready for hibernation, less lovely to see so many harlequins....
