Saturday 12 August 2017

Northern Holiday, 2017 (1): Puffins

Those who have followed my blog over the years will know that Puffins are my favourite bird. We almost missed these seasonal visitors this year; but, as you can see, there were still a few left at RSPB Bempton Cliffs on the Yorkshire coast when we were there in early July. I'm running very behind, but never mind!

Above: I am intrigued by the feathers on the nape of the neck...

Most remaining Puffins were still taking care of Pufflings.
The cliff-face photo above, taken with my zoom lens fully extended,
shows a few of the adult birds. 
There are also a couple of Razorbills.

Every so often we got a really good view of a Puffin. 

This photo shows the cliff, with Gannets, Razorbills, a Herring gull and a Puffin. I think I can also make our Kittiwakes and Guillemots.

We got the impression that this Puffin was about to fly, but it may have been waiting for its mate to return with sand eels.

We broke our journey south in Yorkshire, so the photos above are actually from our last lap. We had spent the first part of our holiday near, and frequently on, Lindisfarne in Northumbria. I wish I had taken a better photo, but I love this stained glass window, created by Borderdale Stained Glass, in the Anglican church on the island. Not only does it show a handsome Puffin but also an Eider (affectionately known as a 'Cuddy' duck after St Cuthbert) and the haul-out of Grey Seals who sang most beguilingly each evening at sunset.

I shall end this post back at Bempton Cliffs. Do take a look at the Gannet's feet! I have always been so intrigued by their eyes that I don't think I have ever noticed these before. There were plenty of Guillemots on this rock. These are all wonderful seabirds, but the Puffin will always be the show-stealer for me.


  1. I've never had the pleasure of seeing puffins in the wild. Glad you weren't too late for them this year.

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful time - love all the puffin photos - they really are special birds and the gannet's feet :) Beautiful stained glass window too.

  3. Hello, I love the cute puffins. They would be a lifer for me, what a great place to visit.

    Wonderful collection of photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  4. That stained glass window looks lovely, fabulous colours.
    Aren't Puffins great! A super selection of photographs here Caroline, thank you.

    All the best Jan
