Thursday 20 July 2017

More Butterflies...

Butterflies here in Suffolk seem to be taking advantage of the warm spells in between the wind and rain. We found a sheltered bramble bush and, as you can see, were able to enjoy these Gatekeepers. I am halfway through In Pursuit of Butterflies by Matthew Oates, and am on a fast learning curve. I am thoroughly enjoying all his literary allusions, too. 


  1. Super photos of the Gatekeepers :) I loved that book by Matthew Oates - he is bringing out another book this year :)

  2. lovely photos, thanks for the book recommendation too

  3. Lovely to see all the butterflies, I too have managed to see a Gatekeeper this year, you have taken some good photos.
    Amanda xx

  4. So good to see these butterflies, lovely photo's.

    All the best Jan

  5. Wonderful and intensely seasonal photos.

    I've moved from Dorset (where there are lots of brambles and butterflies) to Halifax in West Yorkshire (where there are fewer). So readers aren't confused between these radically different environments I've moved blogs too. The new blog and URL - Loose and Leafy in Halifax -
