Friday 17 March 2017

Insects at last!

I love the spring flowers in their own right... 

... but I also love the fact that their pollen attracts insects. 

I have seen a good number of Bumbles this spring, but that may be partly linked to the fact that we took a walk around a favourite churchyard that was carpeted (wall-to-wall) in pale purple crocus last weekend. There were a few primroses, too. The complementary shades of yellow and purple always look good together. I wondered if the bee had a tick on its face, or possibly a lump of pollen, but having done a little reading, I think it may be a mite.

Having enjoyed a walk around NT Ickworth's huge wildflower meadow in the walled garden last summer, I am hoping to respond to one of the BBC Springwatch S.O.S. projects by making my own mini-meadow for wildflowers in a large garden tub. I may also scatter some seeds in our nettle patch to increase the range of wildlife that I hope it will attract. Watch this space!

This little ladybird was strolling about in a shady corner of our door frame. I had to climb in a bush to take the picture - my excuse for the poor quality... I think it may be a Pine Ladybird (can you make out a rim around the outer edge of the elytra?). It was pretty small.

Have a good weekend! 


  1. I really like two colored daffodils. Great shots and a bee too.

  2. lovely photos and a very pretty ladybird, though i can't help with the species....

  3. It's so nice when you see the first insects coming back, weather today will have them hiding again though....Great photos.
    Amanda xx

  4. It's been pretty misty and breezy and cold round here. Maybe that's why I've not been noticing insects yet. Or perhaps it's because the route I walk is increasingly popular so they are being frightened away into quieter places?
