Tuesday 14 March 2017

Brimstone Butterfly

We saw our first female Brimstone of 2017 last Sunday flitting around the hedge in our church car park. Sadly I did not have my camera with me, so this is a photo from last summer (you can tell the season by the orange Crocosmia, which is not yet in flower!).

Male Brimstones are a distinctive lemon colour and females have a touch of cream about them. I had never made the connection between the word 'butterfly' and the (butter) colour of the Brimstone before.

After a slow start, there are suddenly numerous signs of spring, and I wonder which species of (early) butterfly will cross my path next...


  1. Hello, pretty butterfly. Great sighting. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!

  2. Well done on the first butterfly sighting. I popped to a local churchyard on Sunday hoping to see one but no success!

  3. Small tortoiseshells are about here too, it's the hibernators that are up and about first. Seen commas on blogs and instagrams.

    orange tip and speckled wood will probably be the first butterflies to emerge that spent the winter as larvae

  4. That is good that you saw your first female Brimstone of 2017, yes shame you didn't get a photo.
    However, the one you've included from last year is just lovely.

    I enjoyed a wonderful walk today, just locally ... it was good to see the daffodils, polyanthus and more coming up nicely in neighbourhood gardens. It definitely felt more spring like.

    Enjoy the rest of your week

    All the best Jan

  5. hope it's a Butterfly summer. The Brimstones are just gorgeous.poemblog9.blogspot.com has gone live by the way. Kind regards, Mark.

  6. This is a beautiful butterfly. Great capture.
