Sunday 15 May 2016

The Bittern's Boom (RSPB Minsmere)

Yes, we heard the Bittern's unmistakable boom this weekend at RSPB Minsmere. We also watched this Bittern touch down in the reedbed. 

I rather like the reflection of its bill. I would love to know whether it came up with a fish. 

The Mute Swans seemed quite unperturbed by its presence. 

What an extraordinary neck ...

... and plumage ...

 ... well, this is the breeding season.

Such a fine bird, and one that we feel particularly lucky to see since the species became dangerously threatened during my teenage years. Its conservation status is still red

My Bittern poem has been included in a new book from Dunlin Press, The Migrant Waders. Do take a look on the Dunlin Press website here. The book has been edited by MW Bewick and Ella Johnston. It contains prose, poetry and Ella's exquisite illustrations.


  1. Hello Caroline, awesome post and photos of the Bittern! Congrats on your published poem .

    Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  2. Lovely photos, Caroline! How exciting to actually see the bittern!
