Monday 16 May 2016

RSPB Minsmere - those delightful but elusive Bearded tits

We saw few garden birds at Minsmere this weekend, but it was terrific to have such a good Bittern sighting. We enjoyed listening to the Bearded tits from the walkway up to Island Mere hide. We had a few fleeting glimpses of these beautiful but elusive birds; but were not able to take any photographs, so I have posted a few of a female Beardie from a previous sighting.

We also saw a Marsh Harrier and a Hobby on the reserve. I'm afraid the hobby record shot below is also from a previous occasion. Nearly all of my photos from this last visit were of the Bittern and you can see some of them here.


  1. Hello, they are lovely birds. Beautiful photos. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  2. I always miss the bittern at RSPB Langford. It and the marsh harrier are the star species at my local reserve

  3. Lovely shots - so envious. Have hoped to see Bearded Tits in Norfolk and at Leighton Moss in the past but so far this species has eluded me :(

  4. What great photos of a great bird, well done. One I would love to see.
    Amanda xx

  5. I'd love to see bearded tits, these are great photos
