Saturday 23 April 2016

Suffolk Wildlife Trust Oulton Marshes, near Lowestoft

We decided to see what was about on Oulton Marshes, a reserve we had not visited before ...

I noticed the bramble, which has helped me to identify the gall as ...

... Bramble stem gall (Diastrophus rubi) ...

... you can read about it on this site by clicking and scrolling down a bit

The sound of birdsong in the reeds and willows was wonderful.

Sadly there was no tea garden in sight!

There were a couple of Shovelers (this is the male) ...

The slug seemed to be enjoying a dandelion ...

... while we watched the train ...

Teasels ...

Shovelers ...

Mute Swan

The great outdoors!

We could just see the ziggurat tower of St Mary's at Burgh St Peter.

Last year's Teasel

Traffic jam on the Broads?

New growth ...

... and old reeds

I love the pattern

Not quite ...

... Swan Lake ...

... more a case of 'up tails all'.


  1. Oh I so enjoyed reading this post and the captions you've used on your lovely photo's.
    Brilliant and makes for a fun read to!

    My favourite image is 'Last year's Teasel' don't ask me why, because I like all your others too, but there is just something about this photo that appeals.

    Hope you have had a lovely weekend, I think the weather has been a little cooler.

    All the best Jan

  2. Lovely place, would be a place to go back to in the summer months, Swan having a good root around in the pond.
    Amanda xx

  3. Lovely photos, Caroline, specially the shovelers, such impressive looking ducks.
