Monday 14 March 2016

More Frogspawn at Felixstowe

We went looking for spawn at Felixstowe over the weekend, and as you can see, it was still there. I am wondering what the difference is between the two clumps in the picture above. Please leave a comment if you can enlighten me. Is it just a matter of age? Incidentally, I have just joined iSpot so thank you to those who suggested that I might like to do this. It is taking me a little while to find my way around.

The photo below suggests to me that it will not be too long before we are past the spawning stage ...


  1. This brings back memories of our farm pond. I didn't always get to see them in egg stage but I sure saw all those black tailed fellows swimming around.

  2. Super news. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I get frogspawn again this year.

  3. Fabulous to see their tiny bodies develop like that. Not seen any spawn around here yet.
