Saturday 12 March 2016

My First Shieldbug of 2016 - perhaps

This is one of the first bugs I have seen in my garden this year. It was less than a centimetre long. The triangular marking makes me think it is something like a shieldbug or a stinkbug. It was small and narrow. I see that nymphs (in various instars) can often be more rounded in shape than adults. The size, however, might suggest a young insect, so I am rather confused. Do let me know if you can identify it.

On the 2016 insect front, we had a queen Buff-tailed Bumblebee quite a few weeks ago. Since then there have been one or two Ladybirds (no Harlequins here yet) and a couple of Bluebottle-type flies.

I am still waiting to see my first butterfly.


Update: 21 March 2016
Thanks to the kind people on iSpot, it seems this is not a Shield Bug but a Mirid, possibly European Tarnished Plant Bug (Lygus rugulipennis).


  1. How wonderful to see a Shieldbug, not sure which one it is as there is quite a few, put it on ispot, they will let you know. All we need now is for you get a moth trap :)
    Amanda xx

  2. First bitey insect nibble of the year for me. On my arm.

  3. You are getting warmer than us. Flies were out early this year with a quick warming and that was weird.

  4. Amanda's suggestion of i-spot is a good one - they are very helpful on there. No butterflies (or bees) here yet although have now seen 3 moth species!

  5. definitely a shield bug, though not sure what species. I agree with Amanda about I-spot. I need to start using I-spot too.
