Thursday 12 March 2015

Peacock - My First Butterfly of 2015

I saw a butterfly - my first of 2015 - fluttering past me at the front of our house this morning. I thought it was a Peacock, but it was a bit high to tell for sure. Then this afternoon I definitely saw a Peacock in the back garden.

I feel this is quite late in the year to be seeing my first butterfly! We have had the occasional moth practically all through the winter.

There was no time to get a picture of today's Peacock (it was too quick), so here's one I photographed earlier ...
 You can find early Butterfly sightings here on the Butterfly Conservation site. I recall seeing a Peacock on 14 February one year in South Wales, with snow on the ground.


  1. Well done on the Peacock - I still haven't seen a butterfly here. Typically, I had to go to the dentist for a filling this afternoon and my daughter and husband went shopping and they saw a Small Tortoiseshell!!

  2. lovely sighting! I've not seen any butterflies yet, but then we're further north...

  3. Still have not seen one, to day the weather has turned cold again and it has been snowing, the hills are covered again !!!!!!
    Amanda xx

  4. What a great sighting....I hope we have a nice warm spring o I can see some early butterflies.

  5. My earliest sighting of a Peacock was New Year 2014.
    Well spotted. I spotted the first bumble bee today sadly it didn't hang around.

  6. First brimstone of the year for me yesterday, as I wrote. Spring has thus now begun as far as I'm concerned
