Wednesday 11 March 2015

My First Lamb at NT Ickworth, Bury St Edmunds

We had a lovely visit to NT Ickworth on Saturday.
The Canada Geese were patrolling the pond. 
We checked for spawning frogs, but could see no sign of amphibian life.

David saw this bird of prey looking on
while I was watching ...

... a distant Great Spotted Woodpecker high up in a tree. 
The red patch of feathers on the nape of the neck indicates a male.

It was a bright spring afternoon, as you can see,
and although the park was full of people, there were quiet corners to be found ...

... some more accessible than others! 
We think this puffed out ball of fluff may be a young Buzzard
Do leave a comment if you know otherwise. 
We thought at first it was an owl, but a quick glance through binoculars
showed that this was not the case. 

We had a quick look around the Abbey Gardens
in Bury St Edmunds,
where the Grey Squirrels are very friendly. 

But before we left Ickworth,
we managed to spot a single lamb,
our first of 2015.
But it seems that there are or will be about 1999 more!


  1. Wonderful sightings.. I love the woodpecker and the cute lamb.. Great post, Caroline!

  2. Everything is moving fast into Spring with plenty to see, have seen some lambs and we usually have Great spotted Woodpeckers at the park but I have not seen them this year so far.
    Amanda xx

  3. Great sightings and lovely photos. Looks like a young buzzard to me

  4. Your photos show that you live a very beautiful part of your country. Your spring shots are wonderful. Thanks for the award also. It will take me a while to get it up and to write about it. Thanks.

  5. What a lovely place for a stroll. The English woodpeckers are gorgeous! Great photos!
