Monday 2 February 2015

2015 Species List to Date

I am adding the first of my February sightings to my 2015 List ...

Our first Hare sighting in 2015, Suffolk, UK

The species in italics have been added in February. A star means that I have only spotted this species in one location - to date.


Home Patch

  1. Blackbird (several)
  2. Blue tit* (small cluster) 
  3. Bullfinch* (one female - first female spotted in the garden. Snowy conditions)
  4. Buzzard (one - a first!) 
  5. Carrion Crow (several)
  6. Chaffinch* (one)
  7. Common Gull (about eleven)
  8. Goldfinch (small flock)
  9. Great Spotted Woodpecker*
  10. Great tit* (about four) 
  11. Green Woodpecker* (one)
  12. Grey Heron (one)
  13. Long-tailed tit* (about eight, possibly more most days)
  14. Magpie (about five)
  15. Redwing (one, in the snow of 31 January - a first in the garden)
  16. Robin* (one most days)
  17. Song Thrush* (one - and also one in the park)
  18. Starling* (five)
  19. Wood pigeon (plenty!)
  20. Wren* (one)
Abberton Reservoir, Essex Wildlife Trust
  1. Common Gull* (a few) 
  2. Goldeneye* (two)
  3. Greylag Goose* (a flock)
  4. Lapwing* (colony)
  5. Mallard (quite a few)
  6. Mute Swan (about twenty)
  7. Tufted Duck* (ditto)
  1. Barn Owl* (one)
  2. Carrion Crow (one)
  3. Coot* (four)
  4. Cormorant* (one)
  5. Grey Heron (one)
  6. Kestrel* (one)
  7. Lesser Black-backed Gull* (one)
  8. Mallard (several)
  9. Mute Swan (two)
  10. Pheasant* (two)
  11. Red-legged Partridge* (small flock)
  12. Wigeon* (four)
Christchurch Park
  1. Redwing (about seven)
  1. Teal* (one)
  2. Little Egret* (one)
  1. Turnstone* (twelve)
Current total of bird species seen: 37


Home Patch
  1. Grey Squirrel (one on several occasions) 
  1. Hare* (two)
  2. Muntjac Deer* (one)  
  1. Fox* (one)


  1. good lists, Caroline! I'm envious of your hare sighting!

  2. Looks like a good start to the year, I've been trying to record the things I see a little better, it's just fitting it all in . There is a spot I go to which has Hares, hoping to get there this weekend.
    Amanda xx
