Monday 26 January 2015

RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2015

I took the photos on this post some time ago as I was too busy looking and recording during the Birdwatch!
However, I am guessing that the Woodpeckers are our two 'semi-regulars'.

The list below shows the results of my BigGarden Birdwatch 2015 ... The birds (and Grey Squirrel) have been logged on the RSPB site.

We were thrilled when both Woodpeckers, the Green and the Great Spotted, showed up within minutes of each other in the last quarter of an hour. Sadly the Song Thrush failed to put in an appearance, but most of our usual birds were represented.

Ringed Long-tailed tit

I hope your surveys went well!


  1. I hope your count was successful. I love the woodpecker! Have a happy week ahead!

  2. great to see the woodpeckers! Long tailed tits are always a delight to watch....

  3. What a good number of birds you had and how lucky to have both woodpeckers visiting. I managed 11 different species this year so happy with that.
    Amanda xx

  4. A very good selection of birds. Mine was quite small by comparison, but at least most of my usuals showed up - eventually.

  5. Well done on the woodpeckers (my great spotted stayed away!!). A great count - numbers here were down this year although perhaps I picked the wrong hour to count.

  6. Excellent collection of birds there. Very jealous of your woodpeckers.
