Wednesday 5 February 2014

Update on 2014 Species Lists

The Common Crane (these two seen in 2013, one seen in 2014 ... thus far!)

I have now passed my first fifty species of bird for 2014, so it seemed the moment to post my updated lists. I am (at present) only listing my first sighting of the year. Wild flowers are just beginning to appear, so I must decide soon whether or not to log these, too. 

Bird List

Blue indicates that the bird was seen somewhere other than on my home patch or at Minsmere.
Yellow indicates my home patch.
Purple indicates Minsmere. 

If you click on the bird names in the list immediately below, you will be taken to the RSPB site about the species mentioned.

  1. Bar-tailed Godwit (1 bird, 9 January, Pin Mill) 
  2. Barn Owl (1 bird, 12 January, Minsmere) 
  3. Blackbird (1 bird, male, leucistic stripe, 8 January, home patch)
  4. Black-headed Gull (about 25, 3 January, Woodbridge)
  5. Blue tit (2 birds, 2 January, home patch) 
  6. Buzzard (1 bird, 11 January, near Eyke)
  7. Canada Goose (small flock, 9 January, Wherstead)
  8. Carrion Crow (about 20, 5 January, field near Leiston)
  9. Chaffinch (2 birds, 5 January, Minsmere)
  10. Collared Dove (1 bird, 5 January, up the lane from Minsmere reserve)
  11. Common Crane (1 bird, probably juvenile, 1 February, RSPB Lakenheath Fen)
  12. Common Scoter (1 bird, 12 January, Minsmere) - red conservation status
  13. Cormorant (several, 4 and 5 January, Minsmere and Ipswich Waterfront)
  14. Curlew (2 birds, 19 January, Minsmere)
  15. Dunnock (1 bird, 5 January, Minsmere) 
  16. Egyptian Goose (4 birds, 1 February, near Lackford Lakes)
  17. Goldfinch (1 bird, 22 January, home patch)
  18. Great Northern Diver (1 bird, 16 January, Alton Water, Shotley Peninsula) 
  19. Great Spotted Woodpecker (1 bird, 27 January, home patch) 
  20. Great tit (2 birds, 4 January, home patch)
  21. Green Woodpecker (1 bird, 12 January, Minsmere)
  22. Greenfinch (7 birds, 5 January, Minsmere) 
  23. Grey Heron (1 bird flying over, 4 February, home patch) 
  24. Greylag Goose (small flock, 16 January, Wherstead)  
  25. House Sparrow (4 birds, 12 January, Minsmere)
  26. Herring Gull (1 bird, 3 January, Woodbridge) - red conservation status
  27. Jackdaw (4 birds, 1 February, Ickworth)
  28. Kestrel (2 birds, 5 January, Rendlesham)
  29. Lapwing (9 birds, 4 January, Woodbridge) - red conservation status
  30. Little Egret (1 bird, 27 January, home patch) 
  31. Long-tailed tit (3 birds, 2 January, home patch)
  32. Magpie (2 birds, 2 January, home patch) 
  33. Mallard (1 bird, 5 January, Minsmere) 
  34. Mandarin (pair, 9 February, Wilderness Pond, Ipswich)
  35. Marsh Harrier (2 birds, 12 January, Minsmere)
  36. Moorhen (1 bird, 5 January, Minsmere)
  37. Mute Swan (2 birds, 3 January, Woodbridge) 
  38. Oystercatcher (1 bird, 16 January, Wherstead)
  39. Pheasant (1 female bird, 5 January, Minsmere)
  40. Pied Wagtail (1 bird, 15 January, Waterfront, Ipswich) 
  41. Redshank (2 birds, 9 January, Pin Mill) 
  42. Redwing (about 9 birds, 26 January, local hospital) - red conservation status
  43. Reed Bunting (2 birds, 19 January, Minsmere)
  44. Robin (1 bird, 1 January, home patch) 
  45. Rook (flying in roost, 1 February, RSPB Lakenheath Fen)
  46. Shelduck (8 birds, 19 January, Minsmere) 
  47. Shoveler (2 birds. 19 Januray, Minsmere)
  48. Song Thrush (1 bird, ringed, 17 January, home patch) - red conservation status
  49. Tawny Owl ('Mabel', Christchurch Park, 13 February)
  50. Teal (about 20 birds, 19 January, Minsmere) 
  51. Turnstone (15 birds, 3 January, Woodbridge)
  52. Wigeon (about 10 birds) 16 January, Wherstead)
  53. Wood Pigeon (11 birds, 4 January, home patch)
  54. Wren (1 bird, 8 January, home patch) 

Home Patch list for first sightings ...

  1. Blackbird (1 bird, male, leucistic stripe, 8 January)
  2. Blue tit (2 birds, 2 January)
  3. Chaffinch (1 bird, 8 January)
  4. Dunnock (1 bird, 8 January) 
  5. Great Spotted Woodpecker (1 bird, 27 January)
  6. Great tit (2 birds, 4 January)
  7. Greenfinch (1 bird, 8 January) 
  8. Grey Heron (1 bird flying over, 4 February)
  9. Little Egret (1 bird flying over, 27 January) 
  10. Long-tailed tit (3 birds, 2 January)
  11. Magpie (2 birds, 2 January)
  12. Robin (1 bird, 1 January) 
  13. Song Thrush (1 bird, 17 January, home patch, ringed) - red conservation status
  14. Starling (1 bird, 10 January)
  15. Wood Pigeon (11 birds, 4 January)
  16. Wren (1 bird, 8 January)

First wild mammals of 2014 ...
  1. Grey Squirrel (1, 12 January, Minsmere) 1st squirrel in home patch seen on 13 Jan.
  2. Fox (1, 1 February 2014, Lakenheath)
  3. Muntjac Deer (1 doe, 11 January, Rendlesham Forest) 
  4. Otter (2, 12 January, Minsmere)  
  5. Rabbit (several, 5 January, Minsmere)  
  6. Rat (2, 9 February, Wilderness Pond, Ipswich)
  7. Red Deer (2 does, 12 January, Minsmere)
  8. Stoat (1 fleetingly, 12 January, Minsmere)

First arachnids of 2014 ...
  1. Unidentified spider (8 January, home patch)  

First flies of 2014 ...
  1. Unidentified flies, ?Blue bottles (25 January, home patch)  


  1. good lists Caroline, I should be more organised about my 'non-bird' lists.

  2. VERY impressive haul. I wish mine was as good!
