Tuesday 4 February 2014

Ickworth ~ a Woodland Wander

This is Ickworth on the edge of Bury St Edmunds ...

I associate toadstools with autumn ...

... and the singing of birds (Goldfinches) with spring.

It is always a joy to see the early Snowdrops ...

... 'naturalised' in the Ickworth woods.

... and to spot a carpet of these little white flowers through the trees.

Two Grey Squirrels were chasing one another's tails ...

... while the Aconites ...

... glowed in the low light of evening.
There were plenty of catkins dangling from the trees ...
... and a variety of different leaves sprouting in the undergrowth.


  1. I am always amazed at how much earlier sings of spring arrive in the UK as compared to the US. Lovely flowers.

  2. lovely photos Caroline! There are a lot of fungi round this Spring, it must be because of the mild and wet weather we've had recently.

  3. It is so nice to see the spring flowers. We have snow on the ground here. The Goldfinches are pretty. Lovely series of images! Have a happy day!
