Monday 27 January 2014

Wildlife Survey ~ RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2014

Well, how did you do, those of you who were counting?

These were my results from my RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch. I did my survey on Saturday morning from 10.45 (coffee time!) to 11.45 am, and I have to report that there weren't any real surprises.

Sadly our regular flock of Long-tailed tits did not show up until the afternoon, so couldn't be counted. Our Wren didn't appear either, but the Wren is a shy bird so I wasn't very surprised. 

By the time I logged my results, over 53.000 results had been submitted - despite a temporary glitch (or so it seemed to us) with the RSPB website. 

STOP PRESS ... a new kid bird on the block today ... I had just finished lunch when the graceful white wings of a Little Egret flapped over our garden, presumably from the local nature reserve nearby. It's the first time we have seen one of these birds from our window ... I saw my first one ever just over 20 years ago, on my first visit to the Gower Peninsula. 

There was no time today to grab a camera, but here's a pic. of three I took some years back on a visit to Laugharne in South Wales ...


  1. how amazing to have an egret fly over your garden! Wonderful sighting! Nice lot of birds for the Big Garden Birdwatch too.

  2. Beautiful! I love seeing these large graceful birds.

  3. Nice list of bird for your Garden watch! It is cool you had an Egret fly over too. They are beautiful. Happy birding and have a great day!

  4. Thanks for the comment Caroline, nice blog, I've added you to my follow list. We come to Suffolk on holiday quite regularly staying at Westleton. Its a fantastic county for wildlife....Cheers Stewart
