Friday 24 January 2014

Home Patch ~ Spiders and Frost

We have had some strange weather recently, with frost and fog interspersed with sleet, rain and sunshine. We woke up to a frosty morning earlier in the week, and when I looked out, I could see that the spiders had been working on their webs. The frost was beginning to melt, and while the webs might have looked better an hour earlier, I quite like the effect of the melting water droplets.   

I don't know where the outdoor spiders were hiding, but this one (alive or dead?) has been keeping us company indoors. It seems a shame to spoil the web, though to my eye it is not such a thing of beauty as the ones in the garden! 

And a final photo for this post, just to show you our foggy outlook! But the sun has been shining today, there are two tiny daffodils in the garden and the shrub next to the front door has small flecks of new green growth. 


  1. wonderful photos of the spiders webs, Caroline, they look so pretty decorated with the water droplets

  2. Your webs almost looked like they were purchased from and craft show and you placed them there. They are marvelous to see.

  3. Love the frosty webs. I would not expect to see a spider in the winter. I think they would freeze here, it is that cold. Lovely photos, have a happy weekend!
