Tuesday 19 June 2012

Eye-catching Insects (12): Green Lacewing

Chrysopa perla | Green Lacewing
I couldn't resist photographing this little creature. It was enjoying the nectar from a lupin. For a close-up view of the head of these insects, you might like to click here. Like Ladybirds, these Lacewings feed on aphids. You can read more about them on Ray Wilson's site here. I saw the one above in the middle of the afternoon, but Lacewings are often active at night.


  1. What a wonderful color contrast with the green on the purple! Very startling! Beautiful bug and flower.

  2. Hello Caroline, that is so lovely, however i don't think we have that. I have not seen any ladybug or unusual insect in our yard lately, except for a common praying mantis. A weekend is so short to watch the birds, butterflies and small insects, haha!

  3. he definitely catches your eye... he's adorable. love all that green set against the purple. you've had some great shots happening for you lately. keep up the great work... good night~

  4. Lovely photo of the Green Lacewing Caroline
