Thursday 21 June 2012

Beautiful Birds (47): Marsh Harriers at Hen Reedbeds

Marsh Harrier hunting over Hen Reedbeds, Suffolk
Every so often the bird would fly low over the meadow ...
...with feathers catching the sunlight.
The flapping of wings was so graceful ...
... silhouetted against the sky.
And all the time the Konik Polski ponies grazed, quite unaware that such a majestic bird was flying overhead.

We had one of those rare wildlife moments!

The nature reserve information board mentioned Marsh Harriers ... and, lo and behold, we looked up and saw one almost immediately. During the course of our visit we watched at least two: it became hard to tell which ones we had already counted since they rarely appeared in the sky at the same time. We had watched a Hen Harrier before on Gower, but these Suffolk birds may have been my first Marsh Harriers.


  1. what a majestic looking bird. i love to watch bigger birds in flight when the wind is blowing hard. they look so graceful and playful. these are some nice shots. hope all is well.

  2. Marsh Harriers, what wonderful birds.
