Monday 31 October 2011

Beautiful Birds (29): Orford and Havergate

The striped lighthouse is at Orford Ness, a National Nature Reserve in the care of the National Trust off the Suffolk coast. The area is a particularly important breeding ground for the Little Tern (Sterna albifrons). There is also a Gull colony. We parked at Orford last Saturday afternoon, and took a blustery walk along the shoreline ...

... passing lots of boats ...

We were particularly interested to discover that Suffolk's only island, Havergate, is just a short boat ride away. The island is protected by the RSPB - and noted for its Avocets (such magnificent birds!), waders, ducks and Brown Hares.

  • Orford Ness (and Sutton Hoo) in the East Anglian Daily Times

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