Saturday 29 October 2011

Eye-catching Insects (7): Ladybird

We went out in the autumn sunshine to photograph one of the round-towered Suffolk churches, Hasketon. While we were there, we noticed a flurry - or should I say a 'loveliness'? - of Ladybirds by the lychgate. For the most part, they were very active and therefore not easy to catch on camera.

The village sign

This photo shows the Seven-spotted Ladybird (Coccinella septempunctata) perched on an ivy bush.

The beautiful church, incidentally, is dedicated to St Andrew. The round Norman tower was re-worked c.1300. There is fine flint-work visible on the exterior.


  1. Certainly plenty of Ladybirds around at the moment. "Loveliness" is one of the best collective terms I think I've heard.

  2. a loveliness of ladybirds, what a beautiful collective noun

  3. Love those ladybirds!
    Lovely captures!

    Margie :)

  4. What a beautiful setting! And I find it difficult to capture got some good shots. Love the collective noun!
