Monday 28 March 2011

Seasonal Splash (6): Spring Sunshine at Dinefwr, Wales

We went on an expedition to try out the new boardwalk at Dinefwr ...

... We liked the wildlife motifs (several different ones) on the new benches.

The sun was shining, but these Scarlet Elf Cups reminded us that a long winter was not far behind us.

They were not the only species of fungi we encountered. This Bracket Fungus (Trametes versicolour)
was eye-catching.

Wrens were busy in the twiggy undergrowth by the water ...

... and I was delighted when I spotted this string of toad spawn.

I think this is a Common Quaker moth, Orthosia cerasi (thanks to Stuart's Donegal blog). 

The Nuthatch was flitting about in the trees.

This was my first Violet of the season, complete with ant!


  1. Your photos are so wonderful. That little violet will be the same thing over here to bloom first in the yard. Iowa is a long ways from Wales but I do like to visit.

  2. Caroline,

    Loved seeing the toad eggs! And the dragonfly carving on the bench. The American Toads have been calling here, not seen the eggs yet.

  3. It's great to see the signs of Spring in your photos! Wonderful fungi...I liked the reflection shot too! Pretty dragonfly motif. And your bird photos are a pleasure to see!

  4. I like the fungi and the toad spawn and violets are my favorites. Mine are starting to bloom here. Must get out and get some photos of them.
