Tuesday 29 March 2011

Beautiful Birds (20): WWT Llanelli

Spring is in the air ... 
                 ... and the Terns were squabbling, making their presence felt once again. 

The bird was very busy preening ...
... and was quite unaware of my presence.
Here it is, all spruced up for spring.
The willows in the Wetlands are now in full bloom, and birdsong fills the air. 
These Pintail were enjoying themselves on the water ...
... while the Rook seemed quite contented on her nest. 
This Gadwall blended in beautifully with his surroundings. 
Let me know if you can identify this little fellow! Is it a female Tufted Duck, perhaps?
King Cormorant of the Castle! 

1 comment:

  1. Nice variety! Isn't spring wonderful? So good to get out and see birds everywhere.
