Monday 7 February 2011

Sunrise and Sunset (2): Swansea Sunset

After a gloomy sky yesterday, we enjoyed a colourful sunset this evening.

I think we may be in for a frost before morning.

Safari shades?

We are now over a month on from the shortest day, and sunset is definitely much later.

My thanks to David for this last shot.

The current high pressure is particularly welcome since there have been severe flood warnings in some parts of Wales. You can read about these on the BBC Wales Weather blog here. R.S. Thomas, the poet, was Vicar of Aberdaron (one of the flooded areas) from 1967-1978.

On a totally unrelated topic, don't miss Adam Tilt's post on a local Sea Mouse ...


  1. That sky is amazing Caroline - I really hope we don't get a frost tonight as we had a 4 hour blizzard today and then it went slushy so if that freezes tommorrow morning will be a nightmare to travel in.

    I went over and checked out that face - isn't it amazing - I've never even heard of one of those types of deer before. Thanks :)

  2. what lovely colours in the sky, beautiful!

    I like the horse and the egrets in the last post too

  3. Stunning skies, Caroline! Glad you caught all the changing colours...and they sure change fast!!

    Happy to read your words on my blog!:) Have a great weekend!

  4. The color in these is just fantastic! So beautiuful!
