Saturday 5 February 2011

Beautiful Birds (14): Looking for the Little Egret in a Gower Gale

We found ourselves out on the saltmarsh at Penclawdd, Crofty and Llanrhidian . . .

It was very blustery today in South Wales, but there were some Black-headed Gulls about ...

... at least, I think this is what they are, in winter plumage.

This horse was quite sedentary, but some were scampering about in the gale.

Most of the Lapwing were keeping their heads down.

We were fearful that the Little Egrets were finding it a very taxing winter ...

... but were glad to see two. The wind made photography (even with monopod) extremely tricky!


  1. Ohhh, that looks cold! Imagine having to live outside during wintry weather like the birds and other wildlife. Good perseverance on your behalf to brave the weather and share the photos.

  2. Glad you found some egrets. Winter has been bad a lot of places this year. You got some great shots of all the birds.

  3. It's certainly been a rough old weekend hasn't it. During December I noticed that the Gower population of Little Egrets was on the low side but numbers seem to have picked up since then so hopefully their numbers haven't been too badly hit. And you are correct with the Black Headed Gulls.

    Adam @ My Life Outside

  4. Loved seeing the birds and the horse. The place looks desolate and cold. Reminded me of the such areas in the westernmost part of our country, in the state of Gujarat.
