Tuesday 23 November 2010

Dragonflies (3): Scarlet Darter

The stunning Scarlet Darter, Peloponnese, Greece

We had a slight frost last night, and I found my mind wandering to warmer climes! We spotted this fine Scarlet Darter (Crocothemis erythraea) near the frogs on their lily pads in the Pylos area of the Peloponnese back in September. Apparently this is as 'red as it gets' in the field of European Odonata. I am quoting Macropoulos, whose spectacular photographs of the same species can be found here, here and here. I understand this Dragonfly has occasionally been seen in the UK. Thanks to David Element's information, I am pretty sure that the Darter in my photograph is an adult male. These Dragonflies have their own Facebook page! 


  1. As usual your photos are always beautiful. The angle is also unique.

  2. Caroline these photos are just amazing.

    I think winter is going to arrive here this week - time to get the thermals out lol - I need them with my work.

  3. Lovely! I've never seen a red dragonfly. Such intense color! You got some excellent shots.

  4. Lovely photos! I read Andrea's comment and thought...I've never clicked them in this angle! Love the colour! We do see a few red ones here and the bright red ones on one of your links, is hard to click.

    Thank you for stopping by my new blog and for becoming a 'follower'. Your posts have always inspired me.

  5. Hi Caroline -- thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment on the dragonfly post AND especially for leaving a link to your scarlet darter post!


  6. That is a pretty one. Our dragonflies have been gone for three or four weeks up here in Maine.
