Saturday 27 November 2010

Beautiful Birds (11): Black Stork

Hellenic Ornithological Society Information Kiosk on the Pier, Pylos area, Peloponnese
While we were staying in the Pylos area of Greece last September, we visited the volunteers at the kiosk above, and decided to book in on one of their guided nature walks on the lagoon.

The view from the hide

The photo above shows our first view of this magnificent lagoon. There were Little Egret in abundance. I think one may be 'touching down' in the water to the left of the photo.

You can just see the hide on stilts (look below the mountain)

The guided walk took us along the banks of the lagoon to the hide on stilts.

The Old Pumping Station - a wildlife H.Q. and Information centre

We returned to our starting point, here at the Old Pumping Station, just as the sun set, casting a fiery glow over the scene. I will post my sunset pictures on another occasion.

A Black Stork over the lagoon, taken by David

The lagoon often has flamingos, but they were not around during the week we were there. We were thrilled, however, to see a Black Stork flying overhead - and glad to have the H.O.S. volunteers to confirm the identification. I had seen Storks in Turkey a long time ago, but it was a real thrill to see this bird in such a stunning setting. I'm wondering if it was on its hibernation route to tropical Africa.

We were on the mainland in the western Peloponnese, but there are other amazing areas for birds, such as the island of Lesvos. I wonder if you saw the repeat of a fascinating programme, 'Aristotle's Lagoon' (and here - but 11 hours left to view at the time of writing), the other night on UK television, about the bio-diversity of this wildlife-rich habitat that had so inspired the early philosopher-naturalist-scientist, Aristotle?

  • Black Stork (Ciconia nigra) - with recent UK sightings


  1. Hi Caroline - I've never seen or heard of a black stork before. You certainly got to see some wonderous sights on your last holiday.

    What about the snow in your area? We're waiting for another deluge tommorrow.

  2. Caroline,
    Must have been wonderful to see such a rare bird in flight! Bet they are ugly up close and personal. The Florida Wood Stork in flight is just as pretty, but darn ugly up close.

  3. Looks like a cracking place to visit. I'd love to see a Stork in this country.

  4. I have never seen a black stork before. I like the photo of the bird in flight. And the view from the hide is fantastic!

  5. what a lovely place and a beautiful bird!

  6. hey Caroline~ this is a great place. i'm so glad you got to see that black stork. it's beautiful. and that scarlet darter below is gorgeous. hope all is well. have a great day.

  7. Just gorgeous, Caroline! My favorite is the stream photo.
    Love from the USA!  April

    April Lorier Perspective
    God Woman – Women and the Wounded
    Christian Nature 

  8. Congrats on your Black Stork sighting! Black Storks are quite rare in that area, seen most usually in Northern Greece.

  9. Looks like a great place for birding!
