Monday 9 August 2010

Butterflies and Moths (5): A Second Butterfly Count at WWT Llanelli

These two top photographs were taken during our first
Butterfly Count at WWT Llanelli
on Saturday 7 August 2010

Feeling inspired by Crafty Green Poet's butterfly survey, we set off on Saturday 7 August to record our Lepidoptera findings, only to discover at the last minute that the survey deadline had passed! We carried on anyway as it seemed an interesting exercise and one that might hone our observation skills. We spent 15 minutes [the time allowed for those who took part officially] counting butterflies at WWT Llanelli.

We went back and repeated the exercise - same time of day, same length of time, same place - but sunnier weather conditions. Once again David kindly agreed to take the photographs, as my arm is still in a sling.

The results were not startling in terms of species represented - or in terms of any difference in species. However, on our second visit we saw:
  • 50 Small Whites [we think] - as opposed to 33 seen on our previous visit
  • 16 Gatekeepers - as opposed to 3 seen on our previous visit

  • 3 Common Blues [we think] - as opposed to 2 seen on our previous visit

On our arrival at the reserve, but before we began our 15 minute count, we saw:

A fellow photographer noted a Brimstone during the course of the afternoon.

The photos above were all taken at WWT Llanelli.

Big Butterfly Count 2010


  1. all of them are beautiful. they seem to be enjoying the sunny day. hope all is well.

  2. Those are wonderful photos Caroline - I've never seen a little comma before.

    Have you ever walked along the cliffs at Arboath by any chance? There are numerous little butterflies there in the summer months. I wanted to get there this summer but the weather is so poor that I'd rather stay at home and watch the rain from indoors than being out in it.

    I've only seen a little blue once in my garden and that was a few years ago before I got this camera. Our garden is full of whites just now - they are like flying flower petals in the garden.

  3. lovely photos, glad to read that i had helped to inspire you to do this!
