Saturday 7 August 2010

Butterflies and Moths (4): Butterfly Count at WWT Llanelli

Feeling inspired by Crafty Green Poet's butterfly survey, we set off to record our Lepidoptera findings, only to discover at the last minute that the survey deadline had passed!

We carried on anyway as it seemed an interesting exercise and one that might hone our observation skills. We spent 15 minutes [the time allowed for those who took part officially] counting butterflies at WWT Llanelli. We tried to get at least one picture of each species to post here, but some were more lively than others! David kindly agreed to take the photographs, as my arm is still in a sling.

The results were not startling in terms of species represented. However, we saw:

We were just leaving the Wetland Reserve when we noticed a Small Tortoiseshell near the water.

The photos above were all taken this afternoon at WWT Llanelli.


  1. you guys captured some nice looking butterflies/ moths. the small whites and common blues are my favorites. beautiful. hope all is well.

  2. Hello Caroline

    I don't think that they ran the survey long enough. Each time that I did the survey in my back garden during the week all I saw were 2 Great Whites and on 2 occasions a small tortoiseshell and 1 Painted Lady.

    I would still send them an email Caroline with the details of what you sighted. :) Rosie
