Wednesday 14 July 2010

Medusozoa (1): off Skye

We spotted Jellyfish in three locations around the Skye area. The jellyfish we spotted were nearly all Moon Jellyfish or Aurelia aurita (Linnaeus, 1758).

1.] Sleat Peninsula
Looking out to Tarskavaig Bay from Gillean Beach;
a truly beautiful place!

It is the first west coast beach accessible by public road,
north of the Point of Sleat.

The two specimens below had both been washed ashore here.

The creature above was (I imagine) stranded upside down.
It may be another Moon Jellyfish,
but I just wonder whether it is the Bluefire or Blue Jellyfish, Cyanea lamarkii.

[For some interesting thoughts on the colour cyan, see here]

2.] Loch Carron, east of Skye

Jellyfish seen from our dolphin cruise
with Calum and his crew on the 'Sula Mhor' from Plockton

3.] Kyleakin Hrbour, Skye - Caisteal Maol (Castle Moil or Moyle). The castle probably dates from the 15th century, but the Saucy Mary version of its origin is far more compelling.

The jellyfish below were seen in the harbour
here at Kyleakin

For an insight into the underwater world and lifestyle of the Jellyfish, you may like to visit

[The creator of that amazing site mentioned above wishes to have the following citation given:
'Gershwin, L. 2002. Medusozoa Home Page. Electronic internet document available at Published by the author, web page established May 2002, last updated 30 November, 2003.']

You might also enjoy 'How jellyfish work' here.


  1. what lovely photos, landscapes and jellyfish both. I'm fascinated by jellyfish but don't know much about them...

  2. hello Coastcard~ sorry for my long absence. i've been busy with family, etc... these photos are great. i especially like the first, fourth, fifth & seventh. the castle in the background would be a great place to explore, i think. can you get on that island to see the castle up close? hope your arm is doing better. have a great day.
