Wednesday 8 November 2023

Shingle Street ... after the storms


Shingle Street, a favourite place on the Suffolk coast, is always changing. We wondered how this wild but vulnerable spot had fared in the recent gales and floods. The shelving ridges of sand and shingle looked steeper than usual. The photo immediately above shows a selection of shells, weed and wood thrust ashore by the tide.

The photo above that shows barnacles on a pebble, presumably hurled up and brought in from the sea bed.

The light is often magical here. I particularly like the second photo from the top, showing a landscape that somehow reminds me of a Ravilious painting. I wonder if you see what I mean! 


  1. Lovely photos Caroline. I particularly like the last one, the light is so beautiful. I agree with you about the similarity of the second photo to a Ravilious painting.

  2. Lovely to see the pebbles and shells and a great second photo - I can see what you mean :) Hope you are well Caroline.

  3. Thank you, CGP and RR, for your kind comments. And yes, RR, I am well though conscious it has been a bad blogging year for me due to various commitments and unexpected occurrences ...
