Saturday 22 April 2023

Caught on Camera: Mainly the Hedgehog


We are so thrilled to be having regular hedgehog visits to our suburban garden once again. We guess it is the same hedgie who comes most evenings. A couple of nights ago, its visit coincided with loud screeches from the Tawny in the wood. 


It seems the hedgehog is finding some good-sized snails ...

The photo below shows one of the other visitors ...



... Above: close-up of the mouse. 

And below: not on the trailcam, but who could resist this Robin?



  1. Great news about the hedgehog :) I've seen hedgehog droppings in our garden at home but not seen a hedgehog. We did take some trailcam footage in Herefordshire last week though :)

  2. Lovely photos of your prickly visitor! I've rarely seen hedgehogs.

  3. So lovely to see the hedgehog ... and a great photograph of the robin.

    Happy May Wishes.

    All the best Jan
