Monday 6 March 2023

Signs of Spring: Black Lambs at NT Sutton Hoo

We visited these wonderful Hebridean lambs (above and below) at NT Sutton Hoo last weekend when they were a matter of days old. They were gambolling about near the mounds and leaping up in the air. We returned to the site this weekend to see how they were getting on. 


The photos above this line were taken eight days ago. The ones below were taken a week later ...

Their shepherd has asked the public to suggest names. Both lambs are females. We sent in our suggestions and it will be interesting to see which names are chosen.






  1. So very cute Caroline. Thanks for all the photos and I hope your names get chosen :)

  2. Lovely to see these lambs.

    All the best Jan

  3. Everyone. loves lambs - me too! Thanks for the posting.
