Tuesday 7 February 2023

Spring Signs at Home and at Snape Maltings

Snape: Aconites and Snowdrops

Snape: Aconites

This small clump of Cyclamen taking over the delapidated decking at home

Our first 2023 Iris, probably Iris Reticulata

Snape, looking from the reedbeds to the Maltings

Snape: wonderful to see so many Avocets, albeit at a distance.

Stonechats, male and female

Snape, looking to Iken Church and Iken Cliffs on the right

The female Stonechat

Wing beats: two Mute Swans overhead

Snape: Iken Church through the rampike

And finally, back at base, a quick peep at the toad house. I so hope a toad finds it in the weeks to come.



  1. So lovely to see the snowdrops and aconites - both so cheering. It looks a lovely walk with plenty of birds to see - I love Avocets :)

  2. Lovely signs of Spring!
    Your swan photo is fabulous- there’s nothing quite like hearing swans flying over, such a majestic sound. I always have to stop and watch

  3. Lovely to see these signs of Spring.
    Enjoy your February days.

    All the best Jan
