Tuesday 20 September 2022

Another Butterfly Species for the Garden List


Old photo from a 2006 sighting


We were having lunch in the garden one day last week when a Clouded Yellow butterfly flew into the garden. I have rarely encountered this species before. I have seen a couple here in Suffolk at RSPB Minsmere on the path that leads to the sea, but the only one I have ever been able to photograph (and even then only as a quick record shot) is the male in the photo above, which alighted on the footpath to the 12th century remains of Slebech Old Church in South Wales.


Slebech Old Church

I am continuing to record butterfly sightings from our wild suburban garden for the Garden Butterfly Survey run by Butterfly Conservation. The list of species I have counted this year in our garden alone (thus far and in alphabetical order) is as follows:

  1. Brimstone
  2. Brown Argus
  3. Clouded Yellow
  4. Comma
  5. Common Blue
  6. Gatekeeper
  7. Grayling
  8. Holly Blue
  9. Large White
  10. Meadow Brown
  11. Orange Tip
  12. Painted lady
  13. Peacock
  14. Red Admiral
  15. Ringlet
  16. Small Copper
  17. Small Skipper
  18. Small Heath
  19. Small Tortoiseshell
  20. Small White
  21. Speckled Wood

On the day-flying moth front, we have had several Hummingbird Hawk-moths in the garden this summer, though Silver Ys, Cinnabars and Burnets have been noticeable by their (relative) absence.



  1. We use to have many clouded yellows but I have not seen any during our drought. The white ones are always around.

  2. Lots of clouded yellows this week in France. I think the heat has allowed them to fly further this year. They are such a stunning yellow. B x

  3. What a garden tick! I have never seen one although I know there have been lots around this year. Must admit I haven't entered records for BC from garden this year as all changed. They do however go on my BTO Garden Birdwatch and I think records get shared with other wildlife organisations.

  4. I'd pass out if I saw a clouded yellow in my dinky little garden

  5. Thank you all so much for your kind comments. It seems it was just the one, but we had Small Whites and a Red Admiral today.
