Friday 19 August 2022

Garden Update: Wasp Spider, Hedgehog and Hummingbird Hawkmoth


We have been keeping an eagle eye out for these colourful spiders, unlike the False Widows under our porch, which are, I feel, rather too close for comfort ... 

We had almost convinced ourselves that we would not have any Wasp Spiders in the garden this year when, lo and behold, we found one this morning! I apologise for the quality of this record shot, but I will hope to get some better pictures tomorrow.

We are delighted to find that the hedgehog has been around again. We put out some suitable hedgehog food last night for the first time, but discovered a neighbourhood cat eating it soon afterwards, so it may be that the hedgehog was simply coming for the water we leave out in a tray. It was evidently another very mild night. The Trailcam is coming into its own ... and I'm glad to report that there have still been no sightings of rats!


We are much enjoying almost daily visits from the Hummingbird Hawk-moth. These insects are very fluttery and a joy to watch. The white Buddleia flowers are nearly over, but I hope they will last a bit longer ...


  1. Great garden sightings Caroline - I must be the only one not to have seen a Hummingbird Hawkmoth this year!!! We have a false widow in our porch and some in garage :( Goodness only knows where they came from!

  2. Lovely sightings, especially the humming bird hawkmoth. I've not seen one this year, though I've seen them in and around Edinburgh in previous years
