Friday 26 August 2022



We have two mini-ponds in our garden at present, situated in partial shade under some large ivy leaves. Some weeks ago we stocked these tiny watering holes with oxygenating plants and pondweed in the hope that a frog might take up residence.

I walked over to the pond this morning, and I am still not sure who was more surprised to see who, for there in the middle (at that point) were two magnificent amphibian eyes looking up at me. 

The frog was still there eight hours later, so I am hoping there may be more sightings tomorrow.


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Previous post: click here to take a look at my review of Susan Richardson's magnificent wildlife book, Where the Seals Sing



  1. Oh! It’s such a treat to see the first (and all other) frog visitors to a pond! Luck you. We have a couple of tiny ponds but there’s so much duck weed we can’t see who’s living there at the moment!

  2. Wonderful news Caroline Just goes to show if you provide the habitat they will come :) Lovely photos.

  3. Cute frog images! Have a happy weekend.

  4. I too am always happy to see a frog in the garden. I think some of the evening animals, raccoons especially, like them too - sad.
