Wednesday 10 August 2022

Caught on Camera: Fox

Well, what a surprise ...

We had a hunch we had been entertaining a night visitor, but had not anticipated something as large as a fox. 

The (Trailcam) camera never lies! 

As you can see, the visit above took place a couple of months ago on 1 June 2022. The middle photo was taken on 16 June 2022. 

These are my first records of a fox in the garden (as opposed to a fox in our street), which brings my garden mammal species up to a current total of seven. 

Our garden is pretty dog-proof, and we are wondering how the fox has been getting in (and out again) ...



  1. We have Red Fox here. The den is about 600 feet from the Gardens at Waters East in the neighbor's yard. I think it helps to keep the mouse population in check.

  2. It is so neat to see the wild in action out there.
