Saturday 28 May 2022

Damsels, Dragons and Painted Ladies at Helmingham Hall


We visited the gardens at Helmingham Hall last weekend in the hope that we might be some early 'dragons' or 'damsels' around the moat. As you can see, the walled garden was looking very beautiful. 

We were thrilled to see our first Painted Ladies of the season, and since then we have had one in the garden at home. 

And yes! There were damselflies, many of them Large Reds like the one in the photo. 

We saw a couple of these Broad-bodied Chasers. The males are blue, but females and immature ones are a shimmering gold. 


  1. Gorgeous looking garden! And you found what you were looking for.

  2. Lovely! Damsels and dragons are always wonderful to find! We've seen good numbers of azure damsels and blue tailed damsels at a pond in Edinburgh.

  3. Lovely photos CAroline. I've seen one Painted Lady at Packwood House and a Banded Demoiselle in Herefordshire. One Large Red Damselfly I think in the garden - to far away to be sure.

  4. Great photos and good finds.

  5. Great photos and good finds.

  6. Such lovely photos and so glad you found what you were hoping for.
